The Box (€25 Artofscat)

I had been edging for almost a month for this movie – you know we had a little pause shooting scat movies, so I was very excited about starting them again. I had this idea about a plexiglass box with
I had been edging for almost a month for this movie – you know we had a little pause shooting scat movies, so I was very excited about starting them again. I had this idea about a plexiglass box with
ArtofScat – POOP PAMPERIN_Mega Extreme Scat XXX QS was craving some serious TLC for her mug, but your average rubdown just wouldn’t cut it. So off she went to see Nazryana for a next-level massage sesh. As soon as QS
QS was craving some serious TLC for her mug, but your average rubdown just wouldn’t cut it. So off she went to see Nazryana for a next-level massage sesh. As soon as QS hit the table, Nazryana got busy slatherin’
First Nazryana shits and pees into QS’s wide open vagina then QS pushes the partly dissolved shit from her pussy into Nazryana’s mouth. Then both of them cums several times, finally Nazryana smears the shit over her body and cums
SHIT SWALLOWING SIREN 2023 May 13 • 36 min • (€19 Artofscat) Oh my dearest QS, how I adore you! Your willingness to please me fills my heart with such joy. As I inserted that monstrous toilet brush into your
Please be warned this is an extremely disgusting and messy session. After licking my toilet clean inside and outsite Nazryana had a dinner on the top of the toilet, she chewed everything that she had found in the fridge from
This is our first direct lesbian shitting in mouth scat experience with Nazryana. For starters, I have to clarify that since it’s not always trivial to shit on demand, we had to use some liquor filled bonbons as a catalyst