Allura Smearing my shit on my boobs ($9.99 FemScat)

Allura Smearing my shit on my boobs ($9.99 FemScat)

Here�s a short but delectable clip of me getting my big boobs all dirty. The sensation of fresh warm shit on my boobs is second only to stuffing it in my pussy. Download Format: MPEG-4 Length: 00:02:42 Size: 15 MB

Xiomara Fox Fetish Queen Squat Pooping in a Tupper ($40.99 FemScat)

Xiomara Fox Fetish Queen Squat Pooping in a Tupper ($40.99 FemScat)

You love big asses? You love big loads? This is the perfect video for you. A squat pooping compilation. 5 diferent days, 5 different squat videos, 5 big creamy loads, one huge amazing ass ALL NATURAL. A true phat ass

suppkakiem Alina walks on the street with shit in her panties ($12.99 ScatShop)

suppkakiem Alina walks on the street with shit in her panties ($12.99 ScatShop)

suppkakiem Alina walks on the street with shit in her panties ($12.99 ScatShop) suppkakiem Alina walks on the street with shit in her panties ($12.99 ScatShop)