Pink Poo starring in video starring in video Valentynexx ($9.99 ScatShop)

In this video I did a lot of poo and it came out as a pinkish color it was a bit soft.
In this video I did a lot of poo and it came out as a pinkish color it was a bit soft.
In this video I make a big fucking log and open my ass with a bottle.
In this video I squat and shit opening my buttocks with my hands.
En este video estaba en un baño público, hice anal sucio también pee y me lo bebí.
Dirty show with my friend starring in video Valentynexx ($64.99 ScatShop) In this video I do poo with my friend, let’s lick our poo and do dirty anal.
In this video I was in a public bathroom and it was full, I took off my clothes and pooed, there were people outside.
In this video a cute, hard and perfect poo and I lick it.
In this video I make a big poop on my patio and then lick it off.
In this video I show my dirty gape with soft poo and play with my big toys.
In this video my poo is hard and it helps me to make my ass look more open, plus I play with my toys.