Mistress – Eat my biggest shit, my pretty toilet (€24.99 Yezzclips)

I didn’t disappoint you, I give you enough shit. Start eating, fill your mouth full of shit. Chew and swallow. Lick my fingers, eat from my hands
I didn’t disappoint you, I give you enough shit. Start eating, fill your mouth full of shit. Chew and swallow. Lick my fingers, eat from my hands
FatTurdGirl 7 DAYS CONSTIPATED BIRTH! ($24.99 ScatShop)
This is an older video, about 4 years ago (notice how chibbier I was 🫣). I sit on the edge of my toilet and give birth to my very first Metamucil based turd in my life. It shoot out of
Emptying my untouched, tight turdcutter after a girls night… I was farting during the whole night with my besties and felt my gigantic shit filling my rectum at the whole time. When I came home I set up the camera,
OMG, I was so desperate in this one guys…
OMG, I was so desperate in this one guys… I was holding in an enormous amount of shit in my guts for 2 days. It doesn’t seem like a lot, but remember, I eat 3000kcal a day with lots of
This monster turd has been rotting inside my colon for 3 days. Protein and psyllium husk filled shit streched my turdcutter so wide and made me clench and push with all my might…I couldn’t even push it out in one
MOST REQUESTED VIDEO SO FAR: 😱 SHITTING IN A PUBLIC RESTROOM 😱 Guys you are crazy, but I finally did it 🥰🫣 I stuffed my belly with all those things that makes my turd FAT. Protein, seeds, psyllium husk. I
I held this beast for 6 days. The first two days were easy as I’m used to holding back my bowel moements since when I was a little girl. As days have passed by I became more and more gassier.