Time for your meal, slave! Look what I got for you. Do you like the smell? I was very constipated, this lump of poo is indeed hard, I hope you have good teeth. Open your mouth broad and stick it in. Taste my delicious caviar. Let it melt on your tongue and gulp everything! You like that? You dont seem appreciative enough. I want you to beg me. Tell me how much you want to eat my delicious caviar. Savour this moment, this doesnt happen everyday. My kaviar of very hard and the taste is strong and concentrated. But you like that, dont you? I love knowing that you eat all my waste. Nothing is lost. Youll eat everything that gets out of my assets. This is what you are useful for. You were born to serve me as a toilet slave! You have to eat everything until the last bite. Then I want you to munch the plate clean. Who knows when the next time is going to be? There is no pooping scene in the movie. Find more scat movies on DirtyMaryan. com .

My dears. please help if it possible, becouse we lost all what we had in Mariupol at end of march & right now I’am in evacuation center and need help. please donate if it possible via PAYPAL to [email protected]
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