Tina Amazon – Light pink bodysuit

I’m at my bf’s place and I DESPERATELY need to lay an enormous shit!! I feel this one is going to really massive, I’ve been constipated and I’m feeling the great mass of it. I clutch my belly and squirm as I feel the thick log pushing against my asshole. The toilet is so far, and so boring. I wanna shit somewhere exciting! I see a pile of bills on my boyfriend’s desk. It is the perfect height! And I think it’s an awesome surprise for him. So I hover my ass above the bills and you see my intense facial expressions as I release this monster of a log. I huff and moan as my asshole stretches wide and the thick long hard constipated poop slides out. It lands neatly on his bills and I start admiring how big it is and how amazing it looks. What a wonderful texture! Mostly clumpy, hard, dry, constipated and also soft and more pliable on the other end. I sniff it and comment on the strong smell. I’m really excited for my boyfriend to see it, I want to wait cause I really want to see his reaction! However the whole room is filling up with the really stinky poo smell, so I decide to wait in the other room.

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