The chained slave has been quenched with my perlage, he seems satisfied but the swelling of my belly has not gone down despite having pissed a lot which means only one thing: now it’s time for food! I make the slave watch while I produce it in front of him. Nice and hot with lots of pieces of corn that I ate the night before. He refuses but he can’t free himself from the chains so with all my patience I feed him treating him like a child until he swallows all my Shit down to the last spoonful.

My dears. please help if it possible, becouse we lost all what we had in Mariupol at end of march & right now I’am in evacuation center and need help. please donate if it possible via PAYPAL to [email protected]
Anyone who can help please use safe transactions using crypto or email to me [email protected] for other ways of helping us
BiTCoin: 1JjXcVCLoPtkRqfeg79QTEeP1nY6Pe6Ntd