Lily morning diarrhea ($16.99 ScatShop)
morning diarrhea
Scat with corn chunks and Pee at work for you.
I can’t wait all day without going to the bathroom to do it for you. Today I’m wearing maroon, inside and out, and as soon as I get home I give you all my shit.
I come from the gym and before I shower I shit for you. Scat to 4 and some pee.
All weekend without being able to go to the bathroom, I’m going to burst. With the clothes from Gym to 4 in the bathroom.
Today I am very naughty and I want you to see me shit in a different place. Since I’m at work, it occurs to me to get into the forklift and shit in my coworker’s bowl of soup. I’ve been
Diarrhea at work. I leave everything covered!!!! Incredible!
I pooped a lot and pee in a plastic bottle and made a kinky mixture shaking it. Then i opened the bottle over my head and took nasty shower over my hair, face and body! Then i Squeezed the bottle