Lila – yummy shit in a plate ($11.99 ScatShop)

There is a really big and delicious shit this morning. Lila is really beautiful and his slave is happy to taste his shit. Take a lot in the mouth and that make Lila really proud.
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There is a really big and delicious shit this morning. Lila is really beautiful and his slave is happy to taste his shit. Take a lot in the mouth and that make Lila really proud.
this film is in the bathroom of Lila. this is the morning. last evening she has eat a lot she has really need to poop. his slave put a plate under his ass and she make a big big shit.Lila
Lila drink some coffee this morning. So a good shit is coming from the ass of Lila. His slave is hier to cleaning her ass, and she make him play with his shit, take some in the mouth, smelling.