Poop Doggy Dog (Bitches Ain’t Shit)

Hello again scat friend! Hehe When this video was sent over to me to watch I almost died laughing at the title and then once I saw the movie it all really made so much sense, and it fit like a glove! Ok guys. This is my new all time favorite movie! I absolutely love his aggression in this film…not gonna lie it completely soaked my panties. This was kind of hardcore, but right up my alley with the alpha male domination thing. The way he choked her and kept spitting into her mouth was just so fucking HOT!!!!!! The slapping and mouth spitting just totally did it for me. WOW. Anyway back to the film…lol So she totally gets used and abused in this movie, which is why I liked it so much. Even the scat part totally had me playing with myself! First of all she takes a massive dump into his mouth…and then he literally forces HUGE gobs into her mouth over and over again! Commanding her to swallow and chew it, and then literally spitting into her mouth while its full of shit…it did something to me guys
I absolutely loved her demeanor throughout the entire shoot while being degraded in this manner. She is super beautiful like I mean extremely pretty, but yet allowing herself to be subjected to this kind of depravity was just a major turn on for me. He made her actually eat a doggy biscuit lol He also shoved her head into a dog bowl and made her eat her own shit out of it! Just when I thought I had my favorite this one comes along lol This was just great, and I absolutely loved it! She did an amazing job eating spit, scat, and cum lol Gotta hand it to her

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Format: MPEG-4
Duration: 00:13:28
Size: 128 MB
Resolution: 1280×720

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