Interview with Veronica Moser – Deep Inside Mind

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Dear toilet fetish lovers, we post awesome interview with German Scat Porn Star – Veronica Moser.

I think before you got into scat porn, you were in the mainstream porn industry. Can you tell me how you got into the porn industry and then how you progressed to scat?
As a young girl I was very interested in porn photos and porn movies. I did my first porn movie in France and it was very exiting for me.
How did you discover you liked scat?
A friend of mine asked me to try this. I agreed and liked it. I never thought that I would become such a dirty whore.
Did you always like anal sex or did that develop at the same time as your scat fetish?
No, I did anal sex long before but in combination with scat it’s much better.
What is the most extreme scat scene you have ever done?
Some scenes of my first movie “The younger years”. I was covered in shit, I’d a very extreme anal session with a lot of enema.
What is the most extreme scat scene you would be willing to do?
This is a dream of me for a long time – to do a movie with 20 or more men and all will piss and shit over me and I will swallow as much as I can.
Is there any scat scene that would be too extreme even for you to do?
No, I don’t think so – the more a person can shit the better it is for me.
Do you have any scat fantasies that you have not yet fulfilled? And, if so, what are they?
No, I think I’ve tried all what is possible with scat.

What are your views on the scat scene today?
The scat scene is more popular than ever.
There is a lot more scat porn available today, but is it different from when you started?
When I started there were only a few movies from the US available and I was the first lady who’d done this in real in Europe.
Where do you see the scat industry going in the future? Do you think it will ever become mainstream, or will it always be on the fringes of extreme fetish?
Scat sex is only for a special group of people – I think scat sex will never become mainstream.
Your films are obviously genuine, but we have a feeling that some other scat porn may be faked. Do you have any views on this?
I think this is a very delicate theme and I know that some earlier scat movies were faked – you know – most of the people don’t like the smell of shit.
What proportion of scat films do you think are fake?
Sorry, I’ve no idea.
Do you have another career outside making scat movies?

Do you have a husband or boyfriend?
I’m married.
And does he like scat as well?
Yes, as a voyeur.
Do any of your friends or family know about your scat fetish?
Some friends of mine know about this, but they have no problems with my sex-life because they respect me as a human being and not as a porn actress. My family don’t know.
Do you ever get recognised in public as the most famous scat star in the world?
“The most famous scat star in the world” You’re joking, do you? To answer your question: Yes sometimes, but I’m only a ordinary woman (with a special sex-life).
You seem to be one of the few scat actresses who actually eats and swallows shit on camera without cuts and other camera tricks. Are there any other actresses who are the “real deal” when it comes to swallowing?
Sorry, I don’t know, but I hate fakes, one should see that I like this and I like to show it how I swallow huge turds.
Are you friends with any other scat stars or do you ever meet them socially?
I know some of the other scat stars personally but there is no social contact.

Do you ever view other scat website or Porn forums ? If so, do you have a favourite?
Yes of course I visit other scat websites; there are fine to look but I don’t like the forums so much because some of the messages are at the lowest stage – I don’t like this.
How well do you know the male actors in your films?
When we produce a movie I see some of the actors for the first time.
Is it any harder to eat the shit of someone you’ve just met?
No I’ve no problem with this, I eat the shit from everyone who is healthy.
What do you think has kept you working making these films for so much longer than other people? Is it because you actually love doing the movies, and have a genuine passion for shit sex?
You name it.
Have you ever noticed any difference in the taste of male and female shit?
The shit from men is more spicy.
Have you ever had any negative health effects from eating shit?
No, I never had anything.
How do you and your partners in your films ensure that you are ready to shit when you are filming?
We eat and eat and eat the day before.
Do you take laxatives?
No, that’s not necessary.
Or do you just wait for the right moment?
Yes, sometimes it’s the best thing you can do.
Do you watch your own movies?
Yes, to see what I was doing wrong.
If so, when you watch them, do you look for things to improve for the next one?

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You have got many piercings and tattoos in the last few years? Can you tell us why you got them and what you like about them?
I like all body-modifications I’ve done in the past. I think it makes my body more interesting and nicer and the clitoris piercing is very exiting for me….. you know what I mean?
You have recently got a new tattoo? Can you tell us about it? Is there any chance we could have a preview(!)?
No more preview necessary: the secret is lifted – there are new pics of my tattoed cunt at my website.
Does the idea of body modification turn you on?
Are you going to get more tattoos and piercings?
Maybe in the future.

Your recent photoshoots are very artistic? Can you describe what atmosphere you are trying to achieve and what influences the look of your photos?
Even the photos are showing dirty sex, they don’t have to look like garbage – lustless and unsexy. I want to do it more erotic.
Do you like avant-garde cinema (eg Fassbinder, Wenders etc)? Have they influenced you in any way?
I really like the atmosphere of some Fassbinder-movies (whores etc…) but to compare me with Fassbinder – sorry that shoe is too big for me.
You are smoking in many of your photoshoots. Can you tell us why and what turns you on about the combination of scat and smoking?
The combination of smoking and sex is very sexy for me. I can’t tell you why.
When you play with scat, do you prefer to be naked or to have some clothes on? And what clothes do you like to wear when playing with shit?
I must be naked when I want to be covered in shit but I like rubber-clothes most.
Does it feel different to play with shit on camera than it does when you are playing privately?
Yes, because I’m exhibitionist.

You recently advertised on your website that you are available to meet for fans for some dirty shit fun. Can you tell us about this? Have you met any of your fans yet?
Yes. During a visit it is possible to piss and shit in my mouth … all over my body … fuck my mouth … or my asshole (safer sex only!) … and cum in my face or in my mouth .. If one like it I will piss and shit too. I will swallow piss … directly from the cock or from a glass … I will eat the visitors warm shit directly from the asshole … or the visitor shit on a plate and I will eat it.
Is there any one activity in particular during shit-play that is always guaranteed to really turn you on?
Yes, if my cunt and my mouth is filled with shit.
How many times per week do you have scat-sex?
A few times a week.
Do you prefer men or women? Or both?
I prefer men and I also like couples.
Are you more dominant or submissive?
I’m more submissive, but sometimes I can be very dominant.
Have you ever worked with transsexuals? And why aren’t there more transsexuals in scat films?
I don’t know why there aren’t more. I would like to have sex with them.

What are your interests outside scat? Art, food, cinema, books, travelling etc?
I like to visit all kind of museums. I also like to play old computer-games like mario’s world etc., or to read a crime book and if I’ve time I like to travel to Greece or Italy.
Some of your films and photos are shot outside. Do you like to have scat sex outdoors?
Yes I like it but it’s very difficult to do and I prefer summer-temperatures.
Have you ever done any public panty-pooping? Would that turn you on?
Yes I have done that and it really turned me on.
Can you describe how it feels to make a scat movie, knowing that many people will see you getting very dirty(!)?
I can tell you only my view from a scat-movie; to make a scat-movie is very exiting – you don’t know which partner you will have – you will get shit from different people. You will give your best and try to swallow all and I like it if there are a lot of actors on the set – this makes me horny and I become more dirty. I’ve made over 100 scat-movies and from the beginning until yet I have stage-fright.
For many of us, you were the first person we saw enjoying scat-sex. How does it feel to be an inspiration to lots of scat fans around the world?
Oh, that’s a great feeling and I hope that my fans will want to see me for a long time.

Sorry for bad English, it’s not my native language.
That’s all! Thank you very much for answering my questions. I am very honoured that you are taking the time to do this. Thanks again.

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