Actually, Paul had to go this morning to the labour office, at least he has promised of his better halves Rosi high and holy if only not the bar on his way lay there…
In this he still meets his old mate Hotte, the braggart who pompously betrays to him as he must do that, nevertheless, his Rosi would be able to do the coal for him….
Label: Subway
Director: Simon Thaur
Cast: Angie , Max, Simon Thaur
Language: Englisch
Production Year: 2004
DOWNLOAD Avantgarde Extreme 37 – Trübe Tassen in ihrer Existenz bedroht (Angie & Max)
File: Avantgarde Extreme 37.avi
Size: 887571560 bytes (846,45 MiB), duration: 01:53:59, avg.bitrate: 1038 kb/s
Audio: mp3, 44100 Hz, stereo, 128 kb/s
Video: mpeg4, yuv420p, 720×576, 25,00 fps(r)

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